Previous Exhibitions

Elements of Nature: Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation
June 5, 2010 – August 29, 2010
Lancaster Art Museum
Exhibited Artists:
Lita Albuquerque, Peter Alexander, Robert Arneson, Chrales Arnoldi, James Bachman, David Bates, Scott Brennan, Veronica Brovall, Roger Brown, Fernanda Brunet, Alberto Carneiro, Louisa Chase, Reed Danziger, Lesley Dill, Peter Erskine, Tracy Felix, Charles Fine, Mark Fox, Eric Freeman, Torben Giehler, Jimi Gleason, Jack Goldstein, Joe Goode, Brandon Graving, Karen Heagle, Todd Hebert, Wade Hoefer, Gegam Kacherian, Marina Kappos, Cheryl Laemmle, Cindy Loehr, Daniel Mason, Andy Moses, Emilio Perez, Aurora Robson, Thomas Rose, Ed Ruscha, Christoph Schmidberger, Ali Smith, Barbara Takenaga, Ryozo Tsumaki, Tyler Vlahovich, Robert Warrens, Neil Welliver, Lance Winn, and Dustin Yellin.

Photos and Phantasy: Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation
May 5, 2010 – July 12, 2010
Beverly Hills Municipal Gallery
Exhibited Artists:
Bijou, Debbie Fleming Caffery, Clegg & Guttmann, Dawn Dedeaux, Yannick Demmerle, Richard Ehrlich, Maya Elston, Brian Forrest, Catherine Forster, Joe Goode, Jane Gottlieb, David Hockney, Jay Mark Johnson, Elad Lassry, Louise Lawler, Srdjan Loncar, Jarbas Lopes, Renee Lotenero, Didier Massard, Joel Morrison, Orlan, Melanie Pullen, Jessica Rath, Robert Rauschenberg, Thomas Ruff, Paul Rusconi, Rocky Schenck, Hans Christian Schink, Kiki Seror, Annelies Strba, Christopher Taggart, Timothy Tompkins, Nicole Tran Ba Vang, Trujillo Paumier, Andy Warhol, Marijke van Warmerdam, John Waters, and Xianyong Zhang.
Elements of Nature: Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation
March 14, 2010 – May 23, 2010
Carnegie Art Museum
Exhibited Artists:
Lita Albuquerque, Peter Alexander, Charles Arnoldi, James Bachman, David Bates, Billy Al Bengston, Matthias Bitzer, Veronica Brovall, Roger Brown, Fernanda Brunet, Huguette Caland, Ernie Carlos, Alberto Carneiro, Vija Celmins, Louisa Chase, Reed Danziger, Dawn Dedeaux, Lesley Dill, Peter Erskine, Tracy Felix, Charles Fine, Mark Fox, Eric Freeman, Torben Giehler, Jimi Gleason, Jack Goldstein, Joe Goode, Brandon Graving, Shane Guffogg, Karen Heagle, Todd Hebert, Wade Hoefer, Steve Hurd, Gegam Kacherian, Cheryl Laemmle, Cindy Loehr, Srdjan Loncar, Daniel Mason, Andy Moses, Emilio Perez, Aurora Robson, Thomas Rose, Ed Ruscha, Ali Smith, Timothy L. Solien, Barbara Takenaga, Ryozo Tsumaki, Tyler Vlahovich, Robert Warrens, Ben Weiner, Neil Welliver, Frederick S. Wight, Lance Winn, and Dustin Yellin.
Elements of Nature: Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation
August 22, 2009 – December 20, 2009
Pepperdine University, Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art
Exhibited Artists:
Lita Albuquerque, Peter Alexander, Charles Arnoldi, James Bachman, David Bates, Scott Brennan, Veronica Brovall, Roger Brown, Vija Celmins, Chema Cobo, Dawn Dedeaux, Lesley Dill, Richard Ehrlich, Tracy Felix, Torben Giehler, Jack Goldstein, Joe Goode, Brandon Graving, Karen Heagle, Todd Hebert, Wade Hoefer, Gegam Kacherian, Marina Kappos, Christopher Le Brun, Jen Liu, Srdjan Loncar, Andy Moses, Isamu Noguchi, Linda Ridgeway, Thomas Rose, Ed Ruscha, Christoph Schmidberger, Ryozo Tsumaki, Tyler Vlahovich, Christian Ward, Neil Welliver, and Dustin Yellin.
Art and Illusion: Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation
October 3, 2008 – April 19, 2009
Susquehanna Art Museum
Exhibited Artists:
Joon-Sung Bae, Henrietta Barkham, Lia Menna Barreto, Charles Bell, Blake Boyd, Scott Brennan, Luisa Caldwell, Christo, Chema Cobo, John Matos CRASH, Lesley Dill, Daniel Dove, Yrjo Edelmann, Sush Machida Gaikotsu, Michael Gallagher, Candice Gawne, Torben Giehler, Jack Goldstein, Joe Goode, George D. Green, Red Grooms, Vincent James, Pamela Michelle Johnson, Howard Kanovitz, Kang-Yong Kim, Bethany Kriegsman, Yayoi Kusama, LA II (Angel Ortiz), Roy Lichtenstein, Judith Linhares, Srdjan Loncar, Violise Lunn, Greg Miller, Joel Morrison, Matt Mullican, Daniel Oates, Nam June Paik, Todd Pavlisko, Giancarlo Pazzanese, Martin Peregrina, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Melanie Pullen, Jose Luis Quinones, Jessica Rath, Kim Rugg, Gina Ruggeri, Masaaki Sato, Christoph Schmidberger, Mark Sparks, Keung Szeto, Christopher Taggart, Banks Violette, Andy Warhol, Edward Wicklander, Cindy Wright, Rob Wynne, Robert Yarber, and Masoud Yasami.

Reflections from the Artist’s Eye: Contemporary Art from the Frederick r. weisman art foundation
May 17, 2008 – August 3, 2008
Pepperdine University, Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art
Exhibited Artists:
Joon-Sung Bae, Henrietta Barkham, Lia Menna Barreto, Charles Bell, Blake Boyd, Scott Brennan, Roger Brown, Luisa Caldwell, James Cobb, Chema Cobo, John Matos CRASH, Lesley Dill, Yrjo Edelmann, Sush Machida Gaikotsu, Michael Gallagher, Jedd Garet, Candice Gawne, Jack Goldstein, Joe Goode, George D. Green, Red Grooms, Vincent James, Howard Kanovitz, Kang-Yong Kim, Bethany Kriegsman, Yayoi Kusama, LA II (Angel Ortiz), Judith Linhares, Srdjan Loncar, Jean Lowe, Violise Lunn, Greg Miller, Joel Morrison, Matt Mullican, Daniel Oates, Nam June Paik, Todd Pavlisko, Martin Peregrina, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Jose Luis Quinones, Jessica Rath, Kim Rugg, Masaaki Sato, Christoph Schmidberger, Mark Sparks, Keung Szeto, Tony Tasset, Banks Violette, Russell Vogt, Christian Ward, Andy Warhol, Marijke van Warmerdam, Wayne White, Cindy Wright, Rob Wynne, Robert Yarber, and Masoud Yasami.
Photos and Phantasy: Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation
March 8, 2008 – May 18, 2008
Carnegie Art Museum
Exhibited Artists:
John Baldessari, Bijou, Beau Bradford, Tom Burr, Debbie Fleming Caffery, Christo, Dawn Dedeaux, Yannick Demmerle, Richard Ehrlich, Brian Forrest, Catherine Forster, Audrey Glassman, Judith Golden, Joe Goode, Jane Gottlieb, Gustav Gurianov, David Hockney, Jay Johnson, Elad Lassry, Louise Lawler, Srdjan Loncar, Jarbas Lopes, Renee Lotenero, Didier Massard, Luciano Matus, Joel Morrison, Orlan, Melanie Pullen, Jessica Rath, Robert Rauschenberg, Thomas Ruff, Paul Rusconi, Rocky Schenck, Hans Christian Schink, Kiki Seror, Christopher Taggart, Timothy Tompkins, Nicole Tran Ba Vang, Trujillo-Paumier, Raissa Venables, Andy Warhol, John Waters, and Xianyong Zhang.
Art and Illusion: Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation
February 1, 2008 – May 3, 2008
Roseville Arts!
Exhibited Artists:
Joon-Sung Bae, Henrietta Barkham, Lia Menna Barreto, Charles Bell, Blake Boyd, Scott Brennan, Roger Brown, Luisa Caldwell, James Cobb, Chema Cobo, John Matos CRASH, Lesley Dill, Yrjo Edelmann, Sush Machida Gaikotsu, Michael Gallagher, Jedd Garet, Candice Gawne, Jack Goldstein, Joe Goode, George D. Green, Red Grooms, Vincent James, Howard Kanovitz, Kang-Yong Kim, Bethany Kriegsman, Yayoi Kusama, LA II (Angel Ortiz), Judith Linhares, Srdjan Loncar, Violise Lunn, Greg Miller, Joel Morrison, Daniel Oates, Nam June Paik, Todd Pavlisko, Martin Peregrina, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Jose Luis Quinones, Jessica Rath, Kim Rugg, Masaaki Sato, Christoph Schmidberger, Mark Sparks, Keung Szeto, Tony Tasset, Banks Violette, Russel Vogt, Christian Ward, Andy Warhol, Marijke van Warmerdam, Cindy Wright, Rob Wynne, Robert Yarber, and Masoud Yasami.
California Art: Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation
December 7 2007 – February 10, 2008
American Jewish University
Exhibited Artists:
David Amico, Charles Arnoldi, Gilad Ben-Artzi, Billy Al Bengston, Beau Bradford, John Chamberlain, Ronald Davis, Doug Edge, Max Finkelstein, Joe Goode, Peter Lodato, Srdjan Loncar, Kim Mac Connel, John McCracken, Andy Moses, Matt Mullican, Timothy Tompkins, Alison Van Pelt, Velizar Mihich Vasa, and Yoram Wolberger.

Made In California: Contemporary california Art from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation
August 25, 2007 – December 16, 2007
Pepperdine University, Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art
Exhibited Artists:
Lita Albuquerque, Peter Alexander, David Amico, Douglas Argue, Robert Arneson, Charles Arnoldi, John Baldessari, Larry Bell, Gilad Ben-Artzi, Billy Al Bengston, Fletcher Benton, Tony Berlant, Beau Bradford, Jeff Colson, Bruce Conner, Mary Corse, Ronald Davis, Woods Davy, Michael Dee, Laddie John Dill, Doug Edge, Peter Erskine, Charles Fine, Sam Francis, Joe Goode,Robert Graham,Tim Hawkinson,Todd Herbert, Charles Christopher Hill, David Hockney, Marina Kappos, Craig Kauffman, Peter Lodato, Renee Lotenero, John McLaughlin, Greg Miller, Joel Morrison, Andy Moses, Ed Moses, Manfred Müller, John Okulick, Kaz Oshiro, Ken Price, Jessica Rath, George Rickey, John Rose, Edward Ruscha, Alexis Smith, Christopher Taggert, Robert Therrien, Roy Thurston, Vasa, Peter Voulkos, Brian Wills, Yoram Wolberger, Tom Wudl.

The Eclectic Eye: Pop and Illusion - Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation
August 2, 2007 – October 28, 2007
Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center
Exhibited Artists:
Josef Albers, Arman, Robert Arneson, Charles Arnoldi, Richard Artschwager, David Bates, Charles Bell, Larry Bell, Tony Berlant, Jonathan Borofsky, Blake Boyd, Beau Bradford, Roger Brown, Fernanda Brunet, Luisa Caldwell, John Chamberlain, Les Christensen, Christo, Chema Cobo, Joseph Cornell, Ronald Davis, Dawn Dedeaux, Yannick Demmerle, Lesley Dill, Jim Dine, James Drake, Yrjo Edelmann, Doug Edge, Peter Erskine, Ned Evans, Charles Fine, Barry Flanagan, Eric Freeman, Katharina Fritsch, Sush Machida Gaikotsu, Candice Gawne, Torben Giehler, Gilber & George, Jack Goldstein, Joe Goode, Arshile Gorky, Red Grooms, Duane Hanson, Keith Haring, Tim Hawkinson, Georg Herold, David Hockney, Jenny Holzer, Robert Irwin, Vincent James, Jasper Johns, Donald Judd, Howard Kanovitz, Anish Kapoor, Ellsworth Kelly, Edward and Nancy Kienholz, Melissa Kretschmer, Yayoi Kusama, LA II (Angel Ortiz), Robert Lazzarini, Sol Lewitt, Roy Lichtenstein, Peter Lodato, Srdjan Loncar, Los Carpinteros, Gilles Lyon, John McCracken, John McLaughlin, Greg Miller, Joel Morrison, Andy Moses, Ed Moses, Manfred Muller, Matt Mullican, Shozo Nagano, Barnett Newman, Kenneth Noland, Daniel Oates, Claes Oldenburg, Nam June Paik, Roxy Paine, Emilio Perez, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Sigmar Polke, Melanie Pullen, Jose Luis Quinones, Jessica Rath, Linda Ridgway, Larry Rivers, James Rosenquist, Ed Ruscha, Hans Christian Schink, George Segal, Frank Stella, Keung Szeto, Christopher Taggart, tony Tasset, Velizar Mihich VASA, Raissa Venables, Banks Violette, Christian Ward, Andy Warhol, Marijke van Warmerdam, John Waters, Tom Wesselmann, and Masoud Yasami.

The Eclectic Eye: Selections of Fantasy and Illusion from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation
January 13, 2007 – April 8, 2007
Contemporary Art Center
Exhibited Artists:
Douglas Argue, Geoffrey Armstrong, Joon-Sung Bae, Radcliffe Bailey, Henrietta Barkham, Tim Bavington, Charles Bell, Martin Bigum, Willie Birch, Blake Boyd, Beau Bradford, Scott Brennan, Fernanda Brunet, Thomas Burke, Tom Burr, Luisa Caldwell, Luisa Chase, Christo, Chema Cobo, Jeffrey Cook, John Matos CRASH, Sean Dawson, Dawn Dedeaux, Yannick Demmerle, Lesley Dill, Tara Donovan, Yrjo Edelmann, Richard Ehrlich, Eva & Adele, Craig Fisher, Mark FLood, Catherine Forster, Eric Freeman, Sush Machida Gaikotsu, Michael Gallagher, Dominique Gauthier, Candice Gawne, Torben Giehler, Jimi Gleason, Joe Goode, Jane Gottlieb, George D. Green, Red Grooms, Christopher Haun, Tim Hawkinson, Todd Hebert, David Hockney, Vincent James, Howard Kanovitz, Kang-Yong Kim, LA II (Angel Ortiz), Vladmir Llaguno, Srdjan Loncar, Renee Lotenero, Violise Lunn, Gilles Lyon, Luciano Matus, Florian Merkel, Greg Miller, Joel Morrison, Shozo Nagano, Daniel Oates, Claes Oldenburg, Roxy Paine, Todd Pavlisko, Deborah Pelias, Martin Peregrina, Carlos Perez, Emilio Perez, Michael Phelan, Pablo Picasso, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Mary Ellen Powell, Melanie Pullen, Jose Luis Quinones, Jessica Rath, Robert Rauschenberg, Gregg Renfrow, Angel Ricardo Rios, Aurora Robson, Thomas Ruff, Gina Ruggeri, Ed Ruscha, Masaaki Sato, Hans Christian Schink, Christoph Schmidberger, Mark Sparks, Betty Spindler, Annelies Strba, Keung Szeto, Christopher Taggart, Tony Tasset, Roy Thurston, Timothy Tompkins, Nicole Tran Ba Vang, Tim Trantenroth, Raissa Venables, Banks Violette, Tyler Vlahovich, Christian Ward, Andy Warhol, Marijke van Warmerdam, John Waters, Edward Wicklander, Lance Winn, Robert Yarber, and Masoud Yasami.
Photos and Phantasy: Selections From The Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation
September 16, 2006 – December 10, 2006
Pepperdine University, Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art
Exhibited Artists:
Joon Sung Bae, John Baldessari, Blake Boyd, Beau Bradford, Tom Burr, Debbie Fleming Caffery, Luisa Caldwell, Christo, Clegg & Gluttmann, Dawn Dedeaux, Yannick Demmerle, Richard Ehrlich, Judy Fiskin, Eric Freeman, Torben Giehler, Joe Goode, Jane Gottlieb, Brandon Graving, Gustav Gurianov, Christopher Haun, David Hockney, Louise Lawler, Srdjan Loncar, Renee Lotenero, Luciano Matus, Florian Merkel, Greg Miller, Joel Morrison, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Melanie Pullen, Jessica Rath, Robert Rauschenberg, Thomas Ruff, Hans Christian Schink, Christoph Schmidberger, Annelies Strba, Christopher Taggart, Roy Thurston, Timothy Tompkins, Nicole Tran Ba Vang, Raissa Venables, Andy Warhol, Marijke van Warmerdam, and John Waters.
L.A. Art Scene: Selections of California Art from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation
March 6, 2006 – June 4, 2006
Beverly Hills Municipal Gallery
Exhibited Artists:
Lita Albuquerque, Peter Alexander, David Amico, Charles Arnoldi, John Baldessari, Larry Bell, Gilad Ben-Artzi, Billy Al Bengston, Tony Berlant, Beau Bradford, Jeff Colson, Mary Corse, Ronald Davis, Woods Davy, Doug Edge, Peter Erskine, Ned Evans, Charles Fine, Max Finkelstein, Sam Francis, Jack Goldstein, Joe Goode, Robert Graham, Tim Hawkinson, Craig Kauffman, Peter Lodato, Srdjan Loncar, Joel Morrison, Andy Moses, Ed Moses, Manfred Muller, John Okulick, Kaz Oshiro, Ken Price, Jessica Rath, John Rose, Ed Ruscha, Alexis Smith, Allison Van Pelt, Velizar Mihich VASA, Brian Wills, and Tom Wudl.

Art and Illusion: Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation
December 10, 2005 – February 19, 2006
Carnegie Art Museum
Exhibited Artists:
Joon-Sung Bae, Henrietta Barkham, Lia Menna Barreto, Charles Bell, Blake Boyd, Scott Brennan, Roger Brown, Luisa Caldwell, Louisa Chase, James Cobb, John Matos CRASH, Jose De Guimaraes, Lesley Dill, Yrjo Edelmann, Sush Machida Gaikotsu, Michael Gallagher, Jedd Garet, Candice Gawne, Anthony Green, George D. Green, Red Grooms, Howard Kanovitz, Kang-Yong Kim, LA II (Angel Ortiz), Christopher Le Brun, Judith Linhares, Srdjan Loncar, Violise Lunn, Greg Miller, Daniel Oates, Todd Pavlisko, Martin Peregrina, Jessica Rath, Masaaki Sato, Christoph Schmidberger, Mark Sparks, Keung Szeto, Banks Violette, Russell Vogt, Christian Ward, Marijke van Warmerdam, Rob Wynne, Robert Yarber, and Masoud Yasami.

The Eclectic Eye: Selections From The Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation
July 30, 2005 – October 2, 2006
Pepperdine University, Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art
Exhibited Artists:
Douglas Argue, Robert Arneson, John Chamberlain, Les Christensen, Christo, Chema Cobo, Bruce Connor, Joseph Cornell, Lesley Dill, Jim Dine, Charles Fine, Barry Flanagan, Torben Giehler, Gilbert & George, Joe Goode, Arshile Gorky, Paolo Grassino, Red Grooms, Keith Haring, David Hockney, Vincent James, Yayoi Kusama, LA II (Angel Ortiz), John McCracken, Arnold Mesches, Joel Morrison, Nam June Paik, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Jose Luis Quinones, James Rosenquist, Ed Ruscha, Al Souza, Christopher Taggart, and Andy Warhol.
The Eclectic Eye: Selections From The Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation
November 19, 2004 – March 25, 2005
Bakersfield Museum of Art
Exhibited Artists:
Josef Albers, Arman, Charles Biederman, Beau Bradford, Les Christensen, Christo, Chema Cobo, Lesley Dill, Jim Dine, Ofill Echevarria, Yrjo Edelmann, Doug Edge, Charles Fine, Bernard Frize, Michael Gallagher, Candice Gawne, Joe Goode, Red Grooms, David Hockney, Vincent James, Donald Judd, Howard Kanovitz, Ellsworth Kelly, Yayoi Kusama, LA II (Angel Ortiz), Cheryl Laemmle, Los Carpinteros, Arnold Mesches, Ed Moses, Kenneth Noland, Claes Oldenburg, Carlos Perez, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Jose Luis Quinones, James Rosenquist, Ed Ruscha, Masaaki Sato, George Segal, Frank Stella, Keung Szeto, John Torreano, Andy Warhol, Marijke van Warmerdam, Tom Wesselmann, and Masoud Yasami.

The Eclectic Eye: Selections From The Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation
September 4, 2004 – October 31, 2004
New Orleans Museum of Art
Exhibited Artists:
Josef Albers, David Amico, Douglas Argue, Arman, Robert Arneson, Charles Arnoldi, Richard Artschwager, William Baziotes, Beau Bradford, Fernanda Brunet, John Chamberlain, Les Christensen, Christo, Chema Cobo, Mary Corse, Ronald Davis, Willem De Kooning, Jose De Rivera, Lesley Dill, Jim Dine, Doug Edge, Lin Emery, Barry Flanagan, Sam Francis, Katharina Fritsch, Torben Giehler, Gilbert & George, Jack Goldstein, Joe Goode, Arshile Gorky, Paolo Grassino, Red Grooms, Duane Hanson, Keith Haring, Tim Hawkinson, Vincent James, Jasper Johns, Allen Jones, Donald Judd, Ellsworth Kelly, Edward and Nancy Kienholz, Yayoi Kusama, LA II (Angel Ortiz), Louise Lawler, Sol Lewitt, Roy Lichtenstein, Los Carpinteros, John McCracken, John McLaughlin, Arnold Mesches, Joel Morrison, Ed Moses, Robert Motherwell, Matt Mullican, Barnet Newman, Kenneth Noland, Claes Oldenburg, Nam June Paik, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Sigmar Polke, Jose Luis Quinones, Larry Rivers, James Rosenquist, Ed Rusch, Robert Schaberl, Al Souza, Frank Stella, Robert Therrien, Alison Van Pelt, Andy Warhol, Tom Wesselmann, and Tom Wudl.